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CWA COPE Contest Kicks Off May 1

What's more exciting than a trip to Las Vegas?
How about a chance to WIN a free trip to Las Vegas.

COPE contributions are the way CWA members show their support for elected officials and candidates that stand up for us. These voluntary contributions help keep our union and our union movement strong.

May 1 kicks off CWA's biggest COPE contest ever.

Click on the CWA COPE banner above to start contributing now, and be entered for a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas.
When you register for CWA COPE,
make sure you use your CWA Local #:   51021
Already a COPE contributer?   To be entered into the drawing,
simply increase your COPE contribution by as little as $1 a week.

Contest will be open until October 1st, 2010.     Winners of the Las Vegas trip, which includes airfare for two and two nights in a hotel, will be determined by drawing and will be announced on Election Day, Nov. 9. Everyone eligible for the contest gets a CWA T-shirt.

Click this banner for the OFFICAL LAS VEGAS site.

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